Завдання. Переклад неоднозначних лексичних одиниць.

Завдання Перекладіть речення, визначивши ті слова (терміни), які потрібно перекласти на основі вибору варіантних відповідників:

1. Conflict may, according to some theorists, have a positive social function. 2. He was among the first to exploit front-end geometry for steering stabi­lity. 3. One such refinement is a damping device that shortens the time required for the swinging of the weighing arm to cease. 4. Stems of grasses have two parts: nodes and internodes; the node is a joint in the stem at the place where leaves are attached. 5. Acetylcholine acts like a "key"- it is released from one cell and moves to the next cell, which it activates by fitting into a "lock," called a receptor. 6. Deuterium was first identified (1931) by Harold Urey, EG. Brickwedee and G.M. Murphy in the spectrum of the residue from the evaporation of liquid hydrogen. 7. In CAD, engineers use specialized computer software to create models that represent the geometry and other characteristics of objects. 8. Because of the geometry of the openings in the chamber walls and of the ducts connected to these openings, the pumping pressure of the chambers draws water in one direction through the sponge. 9. In the fields of geomorphology and hyd­rology, aerial photographs find application in watershed studies, flood control, and evaluation of water pollution and shoreline changes. 10. Rotation of the steering wheel is translated, through gearing and a network of rods and joints (the steering linkage), into right or left movement of the car's front wheels. 11. Many analog devices have been replaced by digital devices, mainly because digital instruments can better deal with the problem of unwanted information, or noise. 12. Simple interest means that the interest payment for the year is the principal amount multiplied by the interest rate; for example, the interest on $1,000 is $60 if the interest rate is 6%. 13. Policy is guided by the recognition that crime is often socially produced, that criminals suffer from "problems in living," and that only truly dangerous offenders should be incarcerated. 14. Tra­ce amounts of various metals in stream sediments are used in reconnaissance exploration just as previous prospectors used the gold pan to trace placer gold to the mother lode. 15. If a template matches some area of the sample image, the image might contain the corresponding object; unfortunately, the match is usu­ally imperfect due to image noise, object variation, object rotation, changes in lighting, and other factors. 16. The Egyptian royal cubit was divided into units of seven palms, the palm being the width of four fingers; in turn, each palm could be subdivided into four digits, the breadth of the middle finger. 17. To encipher a message or datum requires knowing n plus a number e, the latter also known to everyone. Although everyone can encipher a message or datum using the known numbers, decipherment can be accomplished only by someone who knows n and a private number, d. 18. In June 1970, North American Rockwell received the contract for the airframe, with General Electric to supply the engi­nes. Designated B-l (later, B-1A), the original supersonic, variable -geometry, strategic bomber prototype emerged as a monoplane with swing wings of 41.67 m (136 ft 8 1/2 in) extended span and 15 degrees sweepback, and a spread of 23.84 m (78 ft 2 1/2 in) in the fully swept position (67.5 degrees). 19. The personality structure and life history of the psychopath are quite different from those of the person whose antisocial or criminal behavior is related to some un­derlying emotional disturbance, and from those of a person whose antisocial be­havior results from living in a criminal subculture or in an environment in which such behavior is expected or rewarded