Способи перекладу лексичних одиниць. Калькування.

Калькування (дослівний або буквальний переклад) - це прийом пе­рекладу нових слів (термінів), коли відповідником простого чи (частіше) складного слова (терміна) вихідної мови в цільовій мові вибирається, як правило, перший за порядком відповідник у словнику, наприклад: ore yard - рудний двір, movable table - рухомій стіл, self-cooling - самоохолодження, line service - лінійна служба, toxic shock syndrome - токсичний шоковий синдром, Big Bang - Великий вибух, floating zero - плаваючий нуль. В цих прикладах українські відповідники англійських термінів утворені шляхом вибору першого словникового відповідника кожного з компонентів.

Калькування як прийом перекладу частіше застосовується при пере­кладі складних слів (термінів). Воно може застосовуватися також стосовно тільки одного з компонентів складного слова (терміна): charmed quark зачарований кварк, slag yard - шлаковий двір. Досить часто калькування застосовується при перекладі до тих складних термінів, що утворені за до­помогою поширених загальнонародних слів: worm shaft - черв'ячний вал, target search - пошук цілі, drafting table - креслярський стіл, self-loading -самозавантаження.

Калькування можна застосовувати тільки тоді, коли утворений та­ким чином перекладний відповіднику не порушує норми вживання і спо­лучуваності слів в українській мові.

Завдання Перекладіть речення, попередньо визначивши слова і тер­міни, при перекладі яких доцільно використати прийом калькування:

1. Later theoretical work called for a symmetry between leptons and qu­arks, leading physicists to postulate the "bottom," "beauty," or b, quark; and the "top," "truth," or t, quark. 2. The cosmological theory called the big bang theory assumes that the universe began from a singular state of infinite density. 3. The mathematical compass is a manual mechanical device for drawing circles and transferring geometric dimensions. Commonly, two legs are hinged with a pivot to form an inverted vee, one leg having a sharp point and the other fitted with a pen or pencil. 4. The dasheen is sometimes grown as an ornamental houseplant called "elephant's ear" because of its large, heart-shaped leaves. 5. Chair and table legs were usually carved in the shape of a curved animal leg terminating in a bull hoof or lion paw. 6. Engine-propeller combinations on single-engine air­craft are usually located in the nose, or forward-most, section of the fuselage and pull the aircraft through the air. 7. The Soviet leaders considered U.S. objections to Soviet actions in Poland, Hungary, and Romania a betrayal of wartime under­standings about spheres of influence in Europe. Thus they placed Eastern Euro­pe behind a military and political barrier known in the West as the Iron Curtain. 8. In other words, the vacuum that existed at the time of the big bang was not a stable but an unstable, high-energy vacuum. 9. An additional nuclear property given the whimsical name "charm" was experimentally verified in 1974 when Burton Richter and Samuel Ting simultaneously discovered the J/psi particle. This required the postulation of a fourth quark, the "charmed," or c, quark.

The World Wide Web (WWW), often referred to simply as the Web, is a service that allows computer users to quickly and easily navigate the Internet, the international collection of thousands of interconnected computer networks.

+The federal anticrime act of 1984 put the burden of proof of insanity on the defendant for federal crimes. 12. In conjunction with Alliance 90 (the group that helped overthrow the East German Communist regime in 1989-90), the Greens won 49 seats in the elections of 1994.13. In July 1993 the Clinton administration renounced the Strategic Defense Initiative because it represented a violation of the 1972 ABM treaty. 14. In its most general sense, the term Third World refers collectively to more than 100 countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The term emerged in Europe during the late 1940s, referring to a "third force," not aligned with either the Communist or Western blocs. 15. During the 20th century the suburbs of London continued to grow until 1935, when a Green Belt law was instituted to control further growth beyond a ring of parks. 16. The term "yellow journalism" has come to mean nonobjective or florid newspaper reporting that is used in combination with other sensational journalistic practices, such as distor­ted or mislabeled pictures and illustrations and large-type headlines, to appeal to readers' emotions and thus to increase newspaper circulation. It derives from the phrase "yellow press of New York," coined by Ervin Wardman of the New York Press during the 1890s to characterize the cutthroat competition between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal. 16. In a sense, systems engineering is not distinguished from normal engineering practice. Any engineer acts as a systems engineer when responsible for the. design and implementation of a total system. 17. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th and early 20th centuries accelerated the trend toward "total war," supplying new and ever more capable weapon systems, including long-range artillery, tanks, and finally aircraft, by which combatants could inflict death and destruction on a wider scale. 18. The basic idea of an air-cushion vehicle is a century old, but the modern ACV stems from work done in the 1950s by the British electronics engi­neer Sir Christopher Cockerell. He constructed a model from two coffee tins and a hair dryer and measured its lift with kitchen scales. 19. Later in the 1970s a group led by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer in a garage in Silicon Valley. Their focus was on making the personal computer more "user-friendly."

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