Словникові відповідники. Переклад неоднозначних слів (вибір варіантного відповідника) / Dictionary equivalence. Translation of the ambiguous words. (Choice of suitable equivalence)

1. Dictionaries equivalences

In terms of all the elements of the translation denotative system of the target language (lexical and phraseological units) are divided into two groups: 1) those that already have conformity ('' translated equivalents ") in the target language (for example, bleep - a short high-pitched beep , biasthole drill - drill machine) and 2) those that are not (yet) have equivalents in the target language (for example, flaming in Internet terminology). The first are called units with translated equivalents in the target language "and the second - nationally biased units.

Equivalent units are divided into one equivalent units (ie, having only one translational equivalent, for example, logarithm - logarithm, kinestatics - kinestatyka) and many equivalent units, ie having two or more counterparts translated, for example, effect - effect phenomenon, the impact consequence, knitted weave; ga (u) ging - measure, measurement, monitoring, verification, calibrations (keep in mind implied vocabulary matches, while match specific words or phrases in the text of the original can be only one of several).

Equivalent lexical and phraseological units (not completely) are presented in the dictionary and translated texts (ie, not yet recorded in the dictionary), but exist in the target language as the translated equivalents.

2. Translation of ambiguous words (Choice of suitable equivalence)

Ambiguous words have translated by several ways in accordance with the number of their values ​​(lexico-semantic variants). Equivalents of ambiguous words called variant counterparts. Under equivalent variant refers to one of the possible variants of translation word (term). Equivalent variant passes usually some one meaning of the source language, ie each variant is equivalent translated equivalent of one lexico-semantic variant (LSV) of ambiguous word. For example, the term insulator has the lexico-semantic variants (meaning): 1) that which insulates, 2) dielectric, insulating material. Accordingly, each of these has its LSV equivalent transferable, so we can say that the term insulator has the following variants translated equivalents: 1) isolation, 2) dielectric 3) insulating material.

In terms of the translation it is useful to distinguish cases where variant equivalences of the words have given in the dictionary and when they are absent in the dictionary partially or completely. In the former case translator solves the problem of adequate choice of one variant in this context of equivalent words with several original cast in the dictionary. To do this, a translator must determine exactly LSV words (ie, in what sense the word is used), and then choose the appropriate variant equivalent of those that are in the dictionary.

For example, to translate the term geometry in the following sentence: Variable geometry wings constituted the main feature of the MiG-23, which appeared in 1967 and could attain Mach 3. This term has the vocabulary variant counterparts: 1) geometry, 2) configuration form 3) format 4) (geometric) size 5) options technologies. For good translation of the term we should exactly determine in which of the mentioned meanings it  is taken.

This is done on the basis of information on topics (subject) text sentence which translates character correspondence of the sentence in which the term is used, the content of all text and semantic consistency lexical elements of the sentence. Subject of text - the structure of the aircraft MiG-23 content of the sentence relates to construction of aircraft wings, analysis of lexical semantics of the elements of the sentence indicates that it is the features of wing MiG-23, and finally helps to determine the value of his term left-sided compatibility with the term “variable”. So, based on contextual analysis pointers meaning of geometry, conclude that it is" configuration”, and then translation of this sentence is as follows: Головною особливістю літака МІГ-23б що з’явився у 1967 році і міг досягати швидкості 3 махи, були крила змінної конфігурації.

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