
  • Who do you think is the most beautiful person alive today?
  • Who is the most attractive in your family?
  • Does beauty affect one's success in life?
  • Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?
  • Is it better to be physically attractive or wealthy?
  • Is beauty related to power?
  • Can you think of anyone who is in a position of power that is not physically attractive?
  • Do people spend too much time and money on beauty?
  • How much time should be spent on making yourself look better each day?
  • Who would you say is beautiful that others maybe wouldn't?
  • Do you think people should have cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks? If so what is the minimum age when someone should have plastic surgery?
  • How popular is plastic surgery in your country?
  • What is the most popular feature for cosmetic alteration?
  • Do you think self-esteem affects beauty?
  • Do you think beauty affects self-esteem?
  • How important is beauty in your daily life?
  • Have you ever noticed anyone ever feeling pressured to be more beautiful?
  • What do you think of the proverb, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”?
  • Do you have any proverbs or idioms from your country that relate to beauty?
  • What do you think "beauty is skin deep" means?
  • What are some beauty tips that you could share?