Practice (Reading, translation, analyzing)


All of the thought-provoking exhibitions that we put on at the Long  Street Gallery are designed 1)_______on the nature of art. Our organised school visits help to open the many varied aspects of art up to children who might not normally take time out to visit a gallery. But did you know that now you can take your group visits one step further? Equally exciting and totally fascinating are our artist-led workshops that can be booked for groups:  students, teachers or other2)______. There is a wide variety of artist-led sessions.The focus will depend on the artist chosen to lead the workshop. Prior to the day of the session, a series of meetings will help to focus on what the group hopes to achieve and experience in the session. This approach has resulted 3)________being described as “totally unbelievable”, “deeply moving”, “completely unique” and “utterly fascinating”. Some of the profiles of the artists are provided here to give you an insight into the different experiences that can be arranged. For full details of all the artists available, pricing and booking details, please 4)______online.  Charlie Howard  is an artist who works with sculpture and photography. His art reflects on parks, outdoor community areas and space. He transforms our normal everyday surroundings into thought-provoking alternatives. Charlie’s workshops involve the participants by asking them to connect 5)________and experiences with contemporary art. The workshops are designed to stimulate participation and to develop creativity, critical thinking and an understanding of the artistic process.


Read the  article. Five sentences have been removed from the text. Put the sentences from A-E in gaps 1-5 to complete the text.  

A familiar everyday places

B in our artist-led workshops

C visit us

D community-based groups

E to help people reflect


Based on the information in the article, answer the following questions. Provide explanation for your opinion and support it  with an example .


1. How do the art galleries promote art education in this town?

2. What benefits does the author see in offering art workshops to local children?

3. What genre in your opinion does the text belong to?

4. In what art style does Charlie Howard work?