Practice (Reading, translation, analyzing)

The monologue interview can be defined as a response-message or statement in the form of a daily story of the interviewee in response to a question suggested by the journalist. It may be used or formed at the beginning of the articles or reports. Also, we use this form of interview as the introduction. The text is a stream of speech of one person who responds, comments on something. This person can give the detailed information or his or her point of view. The journalists don`t interfere in this process, they only may try to allow the interviewee to end the speech and edit the video and sound.


The interview-dialogue is a conversation according to the "question + answer" scheme. Simultaneously with the main questions, the journalist asks the interlocutor clarifying, additional questions, with their help directs the conversation in the right direction, finds out some nuances, interesting details, facts, which gives the conversation process appropriate drama, intonation richness and makes the conversation material intriguing.


The interview in the process of discussion. This type of interviews reproduces the conversation of several speakers, the exchange of views of three or more people on one topic. They either complement each other or argue, refute what was said by one of them. The base of argument is multidimensional, three-dimensional, fabled, allows you to see a panorama of positions, estimates, their differences or coincidences with the view of other people.

Additional classification of interviews

Message interview - a concise statement of the correspondent's conversation with a person.

Professional opinion interview- detailed comment of the competent person to the fact, event, problem, etc.